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Ear Acupressure

Ear Acupressure

Auriculotherapy (pronounced or-ic-u-lo-therapy) is a technique in mind and body wellness that focuses solely on the outer ear (auricle). The ear is the focus because the ear is a microsystem, meaning that the entire body is reflected in the ear. Various parts of the...
Berries For Health

Berries For Health

Summer is a great time for wholesome foods, and berries are wonderful at enhancing our health.  They really are super-foods and we should enjoy their benefits on a regular basis. At Herbs4You, we have a great power packed Wild Berry Powder that can be added to...
The Signature of Flowers

The Signature of Flowers

Centuries ago, there was a system called the “doctrine of signatures” that identified the properties of plants. This was made into a book, and was used as a guide for people to better understand the unique properties of each plant in order to know how to...