Back in the mid 90’s, Dr. Hulda Clark developed the Zapper. It is a small battery-powered electronic device. Its primary purpose was to help rid the body of parasites, viruses, bacteria, mold, fungi, and other pathogens by applying very small electrical currents using a specific waveform and frequency.
The Clark Zapper is truly a revolutionary device in terms of self-help, and now there are many years of anecdotal (use-based) evidence behind it.
Since it’s development, all those years ago, millions of zappers have been sold worldwide and are being used regularly by people from all walks of life. Plus, zappers are becoming increasingly popular with medical professionals of all sorts.
There are findings of major medical studies where a parasitic virus has been found to cause diseases. What is interesting about these findings is that Dr. Clark was making these same connections in the 1950’s.
What many researches have discovered is that weak electric current eliminates viruses and other parasitic organisms. Once these parasites are eliminated, the body’s healing power can be fully unleashed restoring vibrant health within an amazingly short period of time.

Dr. Clark’s research had discovered that all people suffer from parasites of one type or another during their lifetimes. Parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged. The introduction of weak electric current (via the ZAPPER) destroys parasites by reversing their polarity. Negative ions are added to encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged.
Viruses and fungi inside the cells, parasites in cysts and parasites with exoskeletons (like hookworms in the peripheral tissues), will take longer to destroy, but by zapping you begin to clear the blood and lymphatic fluids, major organ ducts, intestinal and stomach lining, brain and central nervous system of parasites which will give your immune system a tremendous and nearly immediate boost.
At Herbs4You, we have the zapper available. Here are the programs we have:
Allergies Asthma Alzheimers Arthritis Crohn’s Disease High Blood Pressure Chronic Fatigue Diabetes Epilepsy Cancer Flu & cold Herpes Heart HIV/AIDS |
Headaches/Migraines High cholesterol Prostate Sinusitis Tumor Endometriosis Lyme Disease Cystitis Infertility Menopausal Dysfunction STD Hepatitis Pneumonia Warts |
If you have any questions, or would like to do some Zapper sessions, please contact the office.
We are here to help YOU!
Amy Willis, M.H.
About the Author
Amy Willis, M. H.
Master Herbalist
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle testing.