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Trifecta: The 3 Dimensions to Health

Trifecta: The 3 Dimensions to Health

At Herbs4You, we promote a holistic approach to wellness. This includes The Trifecta of Health: biochemical, emotional, and structural components. BiochemicalBiochemical factors include nutrition and everything we consume –  food, drugs, herbs, vitamins, water,...
Controversial Findings

Controversial Findings

Using naturopathic medicine therapies like thermography and live blood analysis, we get a better understanding of the state of our health in this Covid-era. The findings may shock you! ThermographyThermography is the use of heat sensing infrared technology to detect...
A Mother of an Herb!

A Mother of an Herb!

This week we are spotlighting Milk Thistle, a “Mother of an Herb” because of its impressive healing properties, strength, and beauty! Milk ThistleIronically, this spikey thistle has many amazing healing properties, including: supporting liver health and...
Astounding Health Drink

Astounding Health Drink

Kombucha is a very popular health drink we all should incorporate into our diet.  Here’s why: An Incredible Health Drink: KombuchaKombucha is a fermented beverage originating in the Far East around 2,000 years ago, and known to the Chinese as the “Immortal...