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Black Seed Oil Benefits

Black Seed Oil Benefits

Lately, Black Seed Oil has become rather popular and many are benefiting from this potent healing oil.   What Is Black Seed Oil?Black seed oil comes from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant. It is also known as black cummin and is used in curry and stews. The...
Help For Colds & Flu

Help For Colds & Flu

  As the cold and flu season is here, we need to be armed with herbs and resources that can help us stay healthy and recover quickly when we get sick.  Here are some products that will to keep you well and recover quickly if you get sick.   LDM-100 or Munity Boost...
Brain Power

Brain Power

For the past couple of years, I have seen an increase in memory impairment, brain fog, insomnia, and other such brain function.  Today, we will explore what can help our brain.   A HEALTHY BRAIN From birth, our brain continues to grow and develop till around 21...
The LDM Story

The LDM Story

This week we are sharing the story behind the LDM-100 Tincture. What is LDM?LDM stands for Lomatium dissectum. This is a plant from the parsley family that grows along the slopes of the Sierra-Nevada Mountains. The root has historically been used by Native Americans...
Cough and Sore Throat Help

Cough and Sore Throat Help

Here are some recommendations for coughs and sore throats to get us through this difficult winter: For CoughsDrink Cough Tea. The main herb is red clover blossoms which is known for helping coughs of all kinds. This blend of herbs can clear the lungs of congestion,...
Cold and Flu Help

Cold and Flu Help

It’s that time of year to get some cold and flu help, so here are some recommendations: For PreventionTake Fever Formula Tincture or Kid’s Immune Booster Tincture daily. The herbs in these formulas are very good for colds or flus in anyone, but because of...
A Wonderful Composition

A Wonderful Composition

Herbal Composition Powder is an amazing formula that should be a staple in every home! Dr. Nowell, an old-time instructor at the Dominion Herbal College of Vancouver, British Columbia, stated in a textbook, “We have made and used composition powder for over forty...
A Mother of an Herb!

A Mother of an Herb!

This week we are spotlighting Milk Thistle, a “Mother of an Herb” because of its impressive healing properties, strength, and beauty! Milk ThistleIronically, this spikey thistle has many amazing healing properties, including: supporting liver health and...
Balancing Your Hormones

Balancing Your Hormones

With all that is happening, balancing our hormones is becoming more of a challenge to many.  At Herbs4You, we continue to find high grade products that help restore health and vitality naturally.  We have expanded our hormone balancing products below.  See if there is...
NEW Products: Hemp Skin Care

NEW Products: Hemp Skin Care

  As we adjust to this year’s challenges, we hope to move foreward and help even more people on their path to Health and Vitality. Today, I want to introduce you to some great NEW products. Dr. Herb-al ProductsThese products are made with naturally grown...
Update on Broken Fingers

Update on Broken Fingers

  Some weeks ago, I shared my experience of how I broken two of my fingers.  It has been 7 weeks since the accident, so today, I will give an update of my recovery.       After the initial accident, I started taking extra Complete Tissue and Bone internally.  I...
Learning by Accident

Learning by Accident

There are different ways that we learn things.  Book study is needful and good, but learning in real life makes a big difference.  Today, I’ll share how I am learning by an accident.          Saturday, October 10th, I broke my fingers.  Our garage door was...
Product Spotlight: CureAll

Product Spotlight: CureAll

 Over the years, we have heard good reviews about our CureAll salve.  It is proving to be true to its name.  It can be used for cuts, burns, abrasions, bruises, cuts, rash, and scrapes. Any product is only as good as its ingredients, so here is what CureAll is made...
Natural Help for Pain

Natural Help for Pain

Unfortunately, pain is a part of life.  It is through pain that we can understand and learn what is going on in our body.  Pain really is our bodies way of crying out to us to tell us that something is wrong. When we listen,  then it is up to us to decide what we want...
Healing Herb: American Ginseng

Healing Herb: American Ginseng

American Ginseng, Panax quinquefolius is an amazing herb with 100’s of years of use. One day at the office, a gentleman from Burmeister Ginseng company came and told me the story of Ginseng and their company… In the late 1800’s, a Jesuit priest went...
Healing Herb: Ginkgo

Healing Herb: Ginkgo

I was recently researching South Dakota tree species and it came to my attention that Gingko Biloba was growing right here in our state. In fact, it can be found in the East, Central, and the Black Hills of South Dakota. Several years ago in the fall, I was visiting...
Healing Herb: Astragalus

Healing Herb: Astragalus

Astragalus membranaceus is a member of the pea family. It has been used by Chinese doctors for centuries for various aliments. In the book, The Killer Plagues to Come, author William Lee, R. Ph. Ph.D. and Lynn Lee, CN share information about Astragalus as a potential...
Coronavirus+ Help

Coronavirus+ Help

This year’s virus is nasty, but it is not only the Coronavirus out there that is causing people to get sick. I have found that in general the infections this year are aggressive and potent. Here are some time tested helps to get through the rest of this flu...