This liniment is similar to what the pioneer herbalist, Dr. Jethro Kloss developed. It is a strong antiseptic and has been used for many ailments, such as: all pains, painful swellings, bruises, boils, skin eruptions of any kind, athletic foot, rheumatism, bee stings, boils, cold sores, dandruff, insect bites, and lice.
Kimberly Gran –
This is a life savor! Two days ago I started to break out in hives. It was after I took a hot bath and put probably too much essential oil in it. The next day the hives lessened but were still present. Thinking that the essential oil caused the hives I took another hot bath with no essential oil. This time during the bath the hives got worse. I was not using any shampoo conditioner soap etc. so this time my conclusion was the water. In the middle of the night I woke up and my body was nearly completely covered in enormous itchy hives. I put this liniment on along with the cayenne tincture all over. Instantly I felt relief and was able to go back to sleep. The next morning I woke up to my skin looking completely normal besides the red damage I had caused from all the scratching. Not only this but my skin felt so soft to the touch.