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BEMER Session

Experience for yourself the amazing results of the BEMER machine!

Everyone wants to optimize their health. BEMER provides proper circulatory function, oxygenation to the body and increases the immune system. This can enhance stress reduction and improve sleep management, general blood flow and cardiac function. BEMER also increases performance for athletes, has faster regeneration and healing, reduces time of injury recovery and helps in prevention of sports injuries.

Master Herbalist and muscle-testing practitioner, Amy Willis states: “We have had several clients come and use the BEMER, and I muscle-test them to see how it is helping them. So far everything is muscle-testing a 10. I am impressed. This really is an amazing machine.”


The BEMER company is a family run business that started in 1990 and is located in Central Europe. With German technology and Swiss craftsmanship, the BEMER is a superb device. The BEMER is manufactured in Liechtenstein, Germany, and came to the United States in 2007. The goal of the BEMER Group is to make the world a better place by improving people’s quality of life, by providing high-tech products. Presently, there are over one million satisfied customers that will attest to this fact.

The Technology

The BEMER-Signal sets a new standard in the industry with its complex, carefully tuned configuration and timing. Nearly two decades of research and development have resulted in very specific and highly effective modulations of amplitude and frequency.

What BEMER helps:

  • Blood flow
  • The delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all the cells
  • The removal of metabolic waste products
  • Cardiac function
  • Physical fitness
  • Endurance
  • Strength and energy
  • Concentration
  • Mental acuity
  • Stress reduction
  • Relaxation and sleep management

While the tremendous benefits have been scientifically demonstrated, having your own BEMER experience will convince you of how it can change your life.

BEMER Systems are FDA registered. The BEMER company also has a signed agreement with NASA for use of the BEMER signal for the benefit of U.S. Astronauts in space.


In the Old Testament, God declared, “The life of the flesh is in the Blood”  (Lev.17:11). Whenever we enhance our blood flow, we enhance our life. At the Academy, I was surprised to hear the many different testimonies of those who shared what happened to them by using the BEMER.  “BEMER treats nothing, but it helps everything!” Why and how this is possible is because 90% of all dis-ease comes from a form of poor circulation, while 74% of our circulation is done in our micro-vessels or capillaries. The BEMER improves circulation of the capillaries. It is as simple as: 1+1=2.  

In order for YOU to experience the benefits of the BEMER, we invite you to take the BEMER challenge.

$15 per session
or buy 10 sessions for $100 (save $50!)


to the parent BEMER Group in Berlin for receiving a prestigious 2017 German Medical award!

BEMER was nominated by a panel of physicians for outstanding medical services in the category of Innovative Products. Achieving recognition and credibility within mainstream medicine is encouraging, but the bottom line is that the device simply works.

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