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NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR) and Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) are the newest and most powerful therapies in physical medicine.

We are excited to offer NCR/ABC treatments by Dr. Ben Eversage, who is considered to be the second most experienced NCR practitioner in the world. To date, he has been in 15 states and done over 40,000 procedures.

NCR is a cumulative manipulation process involving controlled release of the body’s connective tissue and meningeal tensions resulting from traumas to unwind the body and its bony structures, and return it to its original and optimal design. NCR utilizes careful analysis of the body’s patterns of balance to determine the precise areas of the skull needing to be unlocked during each day’s treatment. More information may be found online at:

Advanced Biostructural Correction is real and immediate posture correction. One of the first things to note is that the body will stay upright by itself without significant muscular effort. ABC unwinds twisted and locked frames, giving pain relief and/or elimination of pain. As a result, a person will breathe deeper and fuller. This is the best type of care when no other profession has been able to help. Much information and videos are available on the website:

Dr. Eversage’s philosophy is this: As above, so below. When the head is misaligned, locked and off balance, then the spine compensates and gets wound up, twisted, and deformed.

How is it Different From Other Techniques?

NCR/ABC is a non-surgical, non-drug approach to optimal nervous system functioning that creates permanent, incremental improvement in your structure. This unlocks the residual tensions in the connective tissues, resulting from physical traumas to the body, or emotional traumas that have been stored in the body. 

“Structure determines function.”

 What Chiropractors do wrong:
~They lay you face down and adjust your vertebrae forward, or downwards towards the floor, thereby creating anteriorities.
~They do not adjust the primary cause of the problem.
~They adjust compensations or symptoms of the main problem, resulting in just symptom management.
~They do not address meningeal adhesions or the stuck together layers of the meninges (the covering around the spinal cord).
~They do not unlock the cranium, or head, but instead just work on the vertebrae, or C-1 down.

How Do I Know If NCR/ABC is Right for Me?

From birth through our childhood, on into the teen years, and adult life, we experience various injuries, falls, accidents, and traumas that our body does not fully recover from. Many of these are, or become, structural and manifest themselves in various ways affecting our quality of life. NCR and ABC has helped many people correct foundational structural problems and gained great relief from the symptoms they were experiencing.

NCR/ABC helps the following conditions and more, because they all have either a structural cause or a significant structural component:

• Alzheimer’s Disease
• Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
• Anxiety and Nervousness
• Arthritis, Bursitis, Rheumatism
• Attention Deficit Disorder
• Autism
• Bipolar Disorder
• Brain Injury
• Brain Surgery
• Bruxism (teeth grinding)
• Cerebral Palsy
• Chronic fatigue/Low energy
• Concussion

• Deafness
• Depression
• Double vision
• Down Syndrome
• Dyslexia
• Dystonia
• Ear infections
• Fibromyalgia
• Glaucoma
• Headaches
• Head injuries
• Hyperactivity
• Insomnia
• Kyphyosis (Hunchback)
• Learning disabilities
• Lordosis (Swayback)

• Lymphatic toxins
• Lymphoma
• Manic Depression
• Migraines
• Military spine
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Muscle spasms
• Neck pain
• Obsessive compulsiveness
• Orthodontic stress
• Osteoporosis
• Ostitis Media
• Parkinson’s disease
• Phobias
• Polio
• Poor concentration

• Psychosis
• Relationship difficulties
• Schizophrenia
• Sciatica
• Scoliosis and Spiral Spine
• Seizures
• Shoulder pain
• Sinus disorders and Sinusitis
• Sleep Apnea
• Snoring
• Stroke
• Tinnitus
• TMJ and TMD
• Vertigo and balance problems
• Whiplash

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