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Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Energy healing therapy is part of a new trend in electromedicine. The formal name for this therapy is Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM). This fairly new treatment uses what is essentially self-healing energy, because the therapy simply stimulates the body to heal itself, rather than acting on the body through a toxic drug or invasive surgical procedure.

What is FSM?

Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy (FSM) is an energy healing method that uses the application of minute amounts of electrical current to specific parts of the body to stimulate self healing energy and speed the healing process.

How Does It Work?

When the body is injured, the cells are more resistant to electrical input. This is called reduced capacitance. Microcurrent therapy improves cell capacitance allowing the following to occur:

  • Increased cellular oxygen
  • Increased hydration
  • Increased nutrient uptake
  • Increased removal of waste and toxins

This therapy helps create a more favorable environment in the body’s cells for healing by regenerating cell function, reducing pain and inflammation, and restoring proper blood flow and self healing energy to the affected area. Healing time is much more rapid with the application of FSM because of the anti-inflammatory effects of the treatment. With the diminishing of inflammatory chemicals in the affected tissues, the healing process is both rapid and complete.

1 Session – $45 


FSM is used for a variety of injuries and inflammatory conditions, among them:

  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Depression
  • Liver toxicity
  • Relaxation and de-stressing
  • Thyroid support
  • Nerve pain
  • Concussion protocol- for general nervous system “reboot”
  • Adrenal support
  • Soft tissue injury
  • Disc acute pain- back pain that increases with forward bending
  • Ligament/ tendonitis, bursitis
  • New fracture or stress fracture
  • Promote sleep
  • Small intestine inflammation
  • New injury joint
  • Immune support
  • Large intestine inflammation
  • Joint injury week 1-4
  • Brain fog
  • Lymph flow
  • Sinus common cold
  • Throat common cold
  • Viral and shingles: general viruses, acute shingles, or herpetic outbreaks
  • General inflammation and pain
  • Constipation
  • Anti-aging
  • Acne
  • Wound healing of skin wounds and cuts
  • Lung support
  • Bronchitis
  • Myofascial and muscle pain
  • Sleep & Recovery from jet lag
  • Breast health

The webpage of Dr. Carolyn McMakin is a good resource for accurate information on all aspects of FSM.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent is fast becoming one of the most widely used and effective energy therapies for many health problems. At Herbs4You, we offer FSM sessions for many of these different problem areas. Contact the office to learn more.

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 Call 605-254-1437

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