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T.J.’s Testimonial

I recently bought a home where I was exposed to carbon monoxide for several days. I had developed pain, dizzyness, lethargy. I developed lung issues, my brain was not thinking clearly, I couldn’t walk very far before I had to sit to regain my strength. I am a nurse and was unable to perform my duties.

I went to see Amy and she put me on a regiment of herbs and it took 2 to 3 months before I could regain strength. I am now back to work and I feel better than ever.

Thank you Amy!

I will continue to see Amy for my health. I am 67 and not on any chemical medications and now my overall health is excellent!


My Journey

On April 4, 2018 i got a report from my doctor that I have mantle cell lymphoma cancer. No treatment was given at  that time, at stage 4. Lots of blood tests.

On May 14 2018, I came to Amy Willis and started with a better way of living healthy. I took the vacuum cleanse, juice plus and other supplies to help me get over the feeling of being tired and the night sweats.

For the past 3 months of detoxing, cleaning my system out, each day I was feeling better and better. Eating more greens and no meat, helped a lot. Even sleeping better, feeling refreshed every morning, always keeping a positive attitude helped.

This has been the best journey of my life! With no side effects. No doctor can give you yoiur health back like Amy Willis. The joy of life

-Kip S.

Emotional Stress Relief

I feel like our sessions have been beneficial to both me and Alora. I was able to reject some negative emotions over the last week or so when it was pushed upon me. I felt much lighter emotionally and spiritually after each session.


I thought it would be like muscle testing, but it’s more like thereapy. I like. It has helped me let go.


26 year old diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at age 2.

I work at the post office, delivering mail and have to walk 12 miles every day. Having Cerebral Palsy has caused me to have chronic leg pain and limp for as long as I can remember. Doctors have thought of a couple of ways to help and then decided not to try because of the side effects, like having to take a pill everyday or making the muscles weaker.

Amy Willis, at Herbs4You, offered me the chance to use the Bemer to see if there would be any results. I have used the Bemer 10 times now and so far I have noticed that I can fall asleeo a lot faster at night and wake up feeling rested. There have also been a few times while at work where I hardly notice any leg pain!

I can’t wait to see more results after a few more times.

Thank you so much, Amy for letting me use the Bemer.

-Elizabeth R.

Thank You!

Thank you for helping me with my Lyme disease. We so appreciate your skills and knowledge in herbs, muscle testing and healing.

Blessing on your work,

-Angela S.

My cancer story:

In 2012 I had a blockage in my intestines when the doctors did surgery they found a cancerous tumor that was causing the blockage. The cancer was called leiomyosarcoma, which the doctor said is a rare cancer. They have no treatment for it. I was sent to Rochester. They said they couldn’t see any cancer and we left thinking that I was cancer free.

Months later, I had a follow up appointment to make sure it didn’t come back. They found spots on my liver. They did a biopsy and it was leiomyosarcoma. I went back to Rochester and they talked me into chemo-it didn’t work-chemo pills- didn’t work. The side effects were terrible. The last chance was liver embolization with radiation in it. That didn’t work either.

The doctors told me to go home and get my things in  order. There was nothing else they could do.

When I met Amy from Herbs4You, she made me feel comfortable about another alternative.

Taking Juice plus has made me not only feel better, but my friends tell me I look healthy now. It has been over a year since they gave me this news. Doctors can’t believe that I am still here!

-Donna N.

Juice Plus Unknown Benefits

Undoubtedly, good nutrition is the foundation of health, yet sometimes this is hard to find. Juice Plus gives us superior nutrition and many added benefits. What is Juice Plus?Juice Plus is fruits and vegetables juiced, then dehydrated and put into capsules.  It is...

Wild Berry Powder

Most of us know the that in order to have good health, we need to eat right, and choose foods that are high in nutrients.  A great choice are berries.  These are backed full of anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals.  At Herbs4You, we have a Wild Berry mix that will...

Knowing & Identifying Herbs

Herbs are used in daily life more than we may realize.  By knowing more about them and their uses, we can enhance our health and avoid health hazards.  Here are some common herbs around us that are beneficial. Burdock Root - Burdock is very common and easy to...

NEW Product Line

We have NEW products from Solle Natural, a company that has a unique approach to health.  Their focus is on Mind & Body connection and balance. Solle's StorySolle’s story began over a decade ago when the Founder Greg Halliday and his wife, Donna, were searching...

Detox the Shot

Since Covid, humanity has been under severe attack from multiple sources.  Everyone needs to be aware and take steps to protect themselves and the ones they love. The main present source of attack on humanity is from the Covid shot.  There are other sources, but in...