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Tower Garden

Tower Garden Growing System comes with everything you need to start growing vegetables, herbs, and fruits at home—including our specially formulated Tower Garden Mineral Blend plant food and gourmet seeds.
This aeroponic 5-feet-tall vertical garden allows you to grow up to 20 plants in less time than it takes in soil. And it can be placed almost anywhere outside, in any relatively sunny place —needing only about a 2.5 feet x 2.5 feet area.

The aeroponic gardening system includes:

  • Tower Garden vertical aeroponic garden
  • Seeds for growing gourmet lettuce, cherry tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, basil, and cucumber (see list of other things you can grow)
  • Seed starter enviro-dome
  • 20 rock wool seed starter cubes and net pots
  • Pump, timer and drain tube
  • Tower Garden Mineral Blend plant food pH test kit and 1 bottle each of pH+ and pH-
  • Measuring cup

You may choose to purchase an Extension Kit, which increases its maximum height to 6 feet and its capacity to 28 plants.

Tower Garden benefits:

  • Soil-free system means there is no weeding, tilling, kneeling, or getting dirty
  • No gardening experience is necessary
  • Fits easily on patios, decks, porches, balconies, terraces, or rooftop gardens
  • Grows many fruits and almost any vegetable, herb, or flower
  • Purchase an extension kit and grow up to 28 plants in one Tower
  • Uses as little as 10% of land area and water associated with traditional gardening
  • Produces crops in less time than it takes to grow them in soil
  • Made from USDA-approved, UV-stabilized, food-grade plastic
  • Save money versus store-bought produce
  • Help is just a call or click away

The better way to eat healthy!

You don’t need any gardening experience to use Tower Garden®. Its compact, state-of-the-art vertical aeroponic system fits easily on patios, rooftops, terraces, and—most of all—into a healthy diet.

It’s healthier

Tower Garden helps you eat more fruits and vegetables by letting you grow delicious vine-ripened produce right outside your back door. Grow almost anything you like, including tomatoes, lettuce, basil, peppers, spinach, beans, cucumbers, melons, and herbs. And increase your children’s interest in eating fresh fruits and vegetables by involving them in gardening. Learn more about the health benefits of Tower Garden produce.

It’s easier

Tower Garden helps you eat more fruits and vegetables by letting you grow delicious vine-ripened produce right outside your back door. Grow almost anything you like, including tomatoes, lettuce, basil, peppers, spinach, beans, cucumbers, melons, and herbs. And increase your children’s interest in eating fresh fruits and vegetables by involving them in gardening. Learn more about the health benefits of Tower Garden produce.

It’s smarter

Because of its unique aeroponic technology and vertical design, Tower Garden uses less than 10% of the water and land required by traditional, soil-based agriculture. And a recent study by the University of Mississippi found it also generates 30% more produce than soil-based growing methods.

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