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LDM-100 Tincture


SKU: BH0018 Categories: , ,


A powerful antiviral, antibiotic, & antifungal. Can be used as a preventive or to get rid of that cold, Now! Has been used effectively for the herpes virus, Lyme’s disease, Candida, flu, and more Made by Barlow Herbal.

Broad spectrum plant antibiotic, Virastatic, Bacteriostatic, Fungicidal, (Influenza, colds, respiratory and urinary infections, Staph and strep infections, difficult viral infections, Lansing, Polio, E.B. Infections, fungus infection, skin infection, warts, etc.) “Destined to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man”. E.T. Krebs. LDM-100 is our most popular formula.

If you have never taken a whole plant extract of Lomatium please consider the MunityBoost which has Lomatium in it and was developed to acclimate the body to Lomatium with the addition of 6 other herbs.

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