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My Endometriosis Story

My Endometriosis Story

There is hope for endometriosis. Endometriosis is a very delipidating disease that many women suffer from, including myself. In my early 20’s, I had endometriosis, so I know firsthand how trying this condition really is. Fortunately, and by God’s grace, I was able to...
The Fountain of Life

The Fountain of Life

Make sure your water is safe and pure. Water plays an important role in our health and healing. We may take vitamins and herbs, eat super-foods, and stay on an awesome healthy diet, BUT if our water supply is bad, our health will suffer dire consequences. The...
The History of Echinacea

The History of Echinacea

Learn about Echinacea’s rich history! It is nice to have warm weather for a while, but the cold is coming and we must prepare for the cold and flu season.  Echinacea is a wonderful herb that can help us greatly during this time. HistoryEchinacea has been known...
My 5G Experiment

My 5G Experiment

I conducted my own experiment in order to form a hypothesis on what is going on. About My ExperimentI muscle tested several people before and after the Emergency Alert (EA) went off on October 4th at 1:30 pm CST.  The number before the / is the number each organ or...
Emergency Alert

Emergency Alert

Emergency Alert on October 4th FEMA will conduct an Emergency Alert on October 4th and/or 11th.  IPAWS National Test 2023 |  1st CONCERN: There are concerns of Frequencies being generated from 5G towers that will cause lipo-nano particles to release pathogens...