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Detox the Shot

Detox the Shot

Since Covid, humanity has been under severe attack from multiple sources.  Everyone needs to be aware and take steps to protect themselves and the ones they love. The main present source of attack on humanity is from the Covid shot.  There are other sources, but in...
17 Million Dead

17 Million Dead

The Truth about the Covid Shot has been coming out.  Take Notice! I have done considerable amount of research since Covid, and there is reliable evidence and data showing that MUCH damage has been done to humanity.  This is mainly by those who are appointed in...
Emergency Alert

Emergency Alert

Emergency Alert on October 4th FEMA will conduct an Emergency Alert on October 4th and/or 11th.  IPAWS National Test 2023 |  1st CONCERN: There are concerns of Frequencies being generated from 5G towers that will cause lipo-nano particles to release pathogens...
Things to Know!

Things to Know!

At Herbs4You, we try to keep you informed of current health concerns and available solutions. Much has changed since Covid. We are now seeing the after-effects of the irrational behavior inflicted upon us. Almost 80% of Americans aged 17-24 unfit for Military...


Rebekah, my daughter, is Sick AGAIN! Sickness = InfectionIt seems that nearly everyone is getting sick or fighting some aliment.  Even my daughter, Rebekah, has gotten sick several times this past year, it seems that the root cause is Graphene Oxide toxicity, not a...
About DNA

About DNA

This week we are discussing DNA. What is DNA?DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is a molecule that holds genetic information similar to instructions or codes on how the body makes vital proteins responsible for growth, development, and overall wellness. DNA...
Controversial Findings

Controversial Findings

Using naturopathic medicine therapies like thermography and live blood analysis, we get a better understanding of the state of our health in this Covid-era. The findings may shock you! ThermographyThermography is the use of heat sensing infrared technology to detect...
Save Lives!

Save Lives!

Serious harm is happening to many who have taken the C—d shot.  People have been maimed and killed in the name of medicine. We must warn others of the dangers and do what we can to stop this evil from continuing.    FDA Warning:   Potential long-term effects of...
Why Are Healthy, Young Adults Dying??

Why Are Healthy, Young Adults Dying??

Dr. Mercola’s article of June 20, proves the shocking reality of Death by the C—d shot.  His articles do not stay online long, so here it is.  Please read and pass on.         Why are Healthy Young Adults Dying? In recent weeks, media outlets around the...
Are YOU being Poisoned?

Are YOU being Poisoned?

**NOTICE the similarities:   The symptoms of C—d are: headache, nausea, diarrhea, body aches, fever, loss of smell, difficulty breathing, cough, tiredness .    The symptoms of Arsenic Poisoning are:  vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, darker skin, heart...
What is goin on???

What is goin on???

 Throughout history, practitioners of various modalities have used the scientific method to learn about health and how our bodies work.   This involves making an hypotheses, deriving predictions from them as logical consequences, and then carrying out experiments or...
Undoing the Damage of the Shot

Undoing the Damage of the Shot

We have heard of the dangers of the Covid19 Shot, but what can be done for those who have already gotten it?   We must understand that this “Shot” is an experiment; therefore, there is NO medical or Alternative help that we know that WILL help.  We can...
Covid19 “Shot” Creates Monster Virus

Covid19 “Shot” Creates Monster Virus

Although I had heard about the dangers of the present Covid19 “shot”, this danger is not limited to only those who receive it.  I repeat, the danger is not only in those who get the shot!!!      According to a prominent vaccine scientist, Geert Vanden...
Are we being Tested or Treated?

Are we being Tested or Treated?

      I wish life was normal.  I wish to shop and see smiling faces. I wish our true President was in office.  I wish vaccines were eliminated.  I wish . . .  I wish this nightmare would END!            Yet, what is happening is real.  An...
Covid-19 Vaccine Warning

Covid-19 Vaccine Warning

This article is from Weston A. Price Foundation. It is best to be aware of what this Vaccine does and does not do.        COVID-19 VACCINES: IMPORTANT POINTS   MINOR IMPACT: Vaccine manufacturers claim that Covid-19 vaccines are 95 percent “effective,” but the...
Preparation Prevents Panic

Preparation Prevents Panic

   Last week, I spoke on the 3 Steps we must take when there is a problem.  These are:   Find out the FACTS – discern between what is true and the lies  Identifying the problems – Decide how these facts affect us.  Take Action to solve the problems   ...
The Healthy American

The Healthy American

In this time of unrest, fear and uncertainty can misguide us and lead us in the wrong direction.  It is of utmost importance that we know what is actually happening and then take steps to protect and provide for our safety.      There are 3 steps that we need to take:...
URGENT!! Action Needed!

URGENT!! Action Needed!

Mask Mandate in Sioux Falls  This Tuesday, the City Council will be meeting and deciding on a mask mandate for Sioux Falls.  I urge you to contact Sioux Falls City Council members and compel them to NOT mandate masks.  Below is information Why this is not in our best...