We are in a series about Children’s Health and today I want to address 3 things children should avoid in order to be healthy. VaccinationsHere are some Vaccination Facts:In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school, yet today they will receive...
We are in a series about Children’s Health and today I want to address two important NEEDS that children have. High NutritionAs we’ve been considering children’s health this month, we must address their nutrition. Children need much more nutrition...
The health of our children should be a priority in our lives, not only for their sake, but also for society in general. Health is important. There is not a nation on the planet that can survive when its citizens are sick, or worn out caring for the sick. I will be...
Just like seeds of a plant, a child’s health is critical to their success long-term. As we’ve been considering children’s health this month, we must address their nutritional needs. Since they are growing, children need more nutrition than adults,...
Today we will look at a few herbs that are helpful to children as they gear up for back-to-school season. Getting back into a routine is one benefit of this time of year. Every August at Herbs4You, we make sure your children are ready for school by offering discounted...
Let’s discuss fight-or-flight programming and how it can be brought into balance. What Is Fight-or-Flight Programming?The fight-or-flight response is the body’s way of protecting itself from a perceived threat and involves switching the focus over to...
Herbal Composition Powder is an amazing formula that should be a staple in every home! Dr. Nowell, an old-time instructor at the Dominion Herbal College of Vancouver, British Columbia, stated in a textbook, “We have made and used composition powder for over forty...
Last week we talked about sleep and its importance to our health and well-being. We looked at how lack of sleep is linked to depression, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Today, we will talk about WHY there might be a sleep problem and how...
It is good and needful to eat well and exercise, but nothing can take the place of sleep. There is no herb, super food, stimulant, or magic drug that can do for us what a simple night’s sleep can do, yet tragically, many people are not getting enough of...
Good News! The US Government loses landmark Vaccine Lawsuit. I will state the article in full here. -Amy * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine...
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is effective for many people because emotions like fear, anxiety, depression, and anger become trapped in the body until we are able to consciously acknowledge and accept them, and are able to understand the thought that created that...
A technique that is becoming more popular today and has been promoted by Dr. Mercola is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). After reviewing the extensive evidence for the safety and efficacy of EFT, US Veterans Administration (VA) has approved EFT for use with...
One of the annoying problems with a cold or flu is a cough. Even after one begins to feel better, a cough can linger and disrupt our sleep and life in general. Here are a few natural tips that help: Wild Cherry SyrupThis is a delicious effective syrup that contains...
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your emotions, be able to appropriately label them, and understand how this motivates your behaviors. This also applies to others’ emotions and how they impact you. Many of us were not taught emotional...
In out last blog post, we discussed how our thoughts and emotions create the energy field that governs every cell of the body. These thoughts and emotions are our inner world of perceptions, attitudes, opinions, observations, and understanding of external input. This...
There is a famous equation that Einstein spoke about: E=MC^2. Most of us know that this has significance, but what does it mean? This equation says that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light (squared). In more simple terms, this is an attempt to figure out...
Now that it is cold and flu season, I have seen and heard several with a cough or cold. So it is time to stock up on Herbs that help. Today, I want to feature our Wild Cherry Syrup. This is a delicious effective syrup that contains herbs that have been used...
We all know that vitamin C is good for us, that it boosts the immune system and prevents infections, but vitamin C does so much more! Today as we spotlight our Vitamin C Tea, we are going to look at how it benefits children specifically because it is Children’s Month...
At Herbs4You, we believe that children’s mental and emotional health is very important. That’s why we created flower essence blends specifically for children! Childhood is a critical time to develop the tools they need to thrive as adults and become...
August is Kids Month at Herbs4You! We love kids and want to keep them healthy! As much as we hate to see summer come to a close, school is fast approaching. With fall around the corner, we should start thinking of ways to protect our family from illness. Essential...