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Pet Health: Cancer

Pet Health: Cancer

 My cat has been eating an expensive food that she likes, but she started chewing the fur off of her belly. My first thought was a possible allergy. I went to a pet store and after looking for a high quality cat food, I was frustrated, and asked the clerk, “Which...
Learning by Accident

Learning by Accident

There are different ways that we learn things.  Book study is needful and good, but learning in real life makes a big difference.  Today, I’ll share how I am learning by an accident.          Saturday, October 10th, I broke my fingers.  Our garage door was...
Product Spotlight: CureAll

Product Spotlight: CureAll

 Over the years, we have heard good reviews about our CureAll salve.  It is proving to be true to its name.  It can be used for cuts, burns, abrasions, bruises, cuts, rash, and scrapes. Any product is only as good as its ingredients, so here is what CureAll is made...