Over the years, we have heard good reviews about our CureAll salve. It is proving to be true to its name. It can be used for cuts, burns, abrasions, bruises, cuts, rash, and scrapes. Any product is only as good as its ingredients, so here is what CureAll is made of:
HERBS: Selfheal, Comfrey, Plantain, Yarrow, Chickweed, Myrrh, Goldenseal
OILS: Olive Oil, Coconut oil, Tea Tree oil, Vitamin E
Self Heal can draw out infection, such as in an abcess, and is very beneficial in stimulating the healing of wounds, burns, and ulcers. Self Heal also has styptic actions, staunching the flow of blood. This means that Self Heal helps from washing the wound to preventing infection to growing healthy new skin cells.[1]
Comfrey is rich in minerals, and has a long record of use, dating back to old herbal texts, “Materia Medica” of 50 AD. Allantoin is what makes comfrey unique. Allantoin promotes rapid cell growth and is a leucocytosis promoter (increases white blood cells), that helps to establish immunity from infections. It is healing and great for most any skin condition.
Plantain – Plaintain helps to draw out poisons and is a known remedy for insect bites.
Chickweed has been used to soothe bug bites, burns, cuts, and itchiness. It is said to have a cooling and drying effect on the skin and historically has also been used for eczema.
Goldenseal root was used extensively by herbalist for a variety of aliments. It is a powerful herbal antibiotic. It has been used historically for rashes, ulcers, wound infections, itching, eczema, acne, dandruff, ringworm, herpes blisters, and cold sores. It is used as a mouthwash for sore gums and mouth, and as as an eyewash for eye inflammation and eye infections called conjunctivitis, or “pink eye.”
Yarrow grows everywhere, yet we underestimate its benefits. It is very effective for colds and flu. It is an astringent and has antimicrobial and pain relieving traits and is wonderful for soothing skin that is prone to irritations. It is also deeply nourishing and restorative. It aids in healing broken capillaries and is ideal for sensitive skin as well as problematic skin.[2]
Myrrh is a well used herb from ancient times. It is a resin that comes from a tree called Commiphora myrrha, common in Africa or the Middle East. Botanically, it is related to Frankincense. There are two primary active compounds in myrrh: terpenoids and sesquiterpenes. Both have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is said that ancient Egyptians used myrrh to prevent aging and maintain healthy skin.
Tea Tree oil is a natural antibiotic. During World War II, tea tree oil was in the First Aid kit of Australian soldiers as a handy antiseptic. The troops also sang praises of tea tree oil’s insect repellent and anti-fungal properties. It is still commonly used for infections and skin problems.
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Amy Willis, MH
About the Author
Amy Willis M.H.