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What is Brain Trauma?

What is Brain Trauma?

In out last blog post, we discussed how our thoughts and emotions create the energy field that governs every cell of the body. These thoughts and emotions are our inner world of perceptions, attitudes, opinions, observations, and understanding of external input. This...
Wild Cherry Syrup

Wild Cherry Syrup

Now that it is cold and flu season, I have seen and heard several with a cough or cold.  So it is time to stock up on Herbs that help.  Today, I want to feature our Wild Cherry Syrup.  This is a delicious effective syrup that contains herbs that have been used...


When it comes to consuming enough vegetables, are you falling short?  According to surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about 27 percent of Americans get more than three servings of vegetables per day [1].  For optimal health and...