Learn how BrainTap can help with weight loss. Blocks to Weight LossThere is a lot that goes into losing weight. It is more than eating healthy and exercising. There is a mental and emotional component that impacts us. Even if we really want to lose weight, we may be...
Let’s discuss fight-or-flight programming and how it can be brought into balance. What Is Fight-or-Flight Programming?The fight-or-flight response is the body’s way of protecting itself from a perceived threat and involves switching the focus over to...
We are excited to introduce the BrainTap system for mind and body wellness! What Is BrainTapping?The BrainTap system was developed by Dr. Patrick Porter, a leader in the field of neuroscience and mindfulness. It involves audio and visual stimulation using a special...
Spring is on the way, which means it’s time for a Spring Cleaning! Functional MedicineFunctional medicine differs from traditional medicine in that it looks closely at the functioning of various organs and bodily systems, and how they impact each other. The...