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Brain Injury Awareness II

Brain Injury Awareness II

This study on Traumatic Brain Injury has been very insightful and thought provoking. Maybe some of why we do what we do has a deeper hidden reason. Last week, we looked at traumatic brain injury which is due to an external mechanical force. Today we will look at other...
Brain Injury Awareness

Brain Injury Awareness

Since March is Brain Injury Awareness month, I will take a break from the series on Cancer and focus on this important topic. Brain function is vitally important for our health, daily life, and fulfillment. When our brain is not functioning well, our life can be...
Cancer Part 1

Cancer Part 1

CANCER – a dreaded word, yet it is all around us. Friends, parents, spouse, relative, or even our child can be taken with this deadly disease. What causes it? Doesn’t anyone know? What will prevent us and our loved ones from getting it? Many questions, but...
Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Spring is a great time to do some detoxing. Doing a simple liver cleanse every year can help in one’s overall health. CleansingThere are 5 main cleansing organs in the body: bowels, kidneys, liver, lungs and the skin. When we plan to detox the body, there is a...