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17 Million Dead

17 Million Dead

The Truth about the Covid Shot has been coming out.  Take Notice! I have done considerable amount of research since Covid, and there is reliable evidence and data showing that MUCH damage has been done to humanity.  This is mainly by those who are appointed in...
Men’s Health IV

Men’s Health IV

As mentioned in Men’s Health I, there are 4 main areas of wellness that should be considered with men, these are: the cardiovascular system and stress management, sleep habits, exercise support, and prostate and sexual health.  In today’s study, I will...
Men’s Health III

Men’s Health III

As mentioned in Men’s Health I, there are 4 main areas of wellness that should be considered with men, these are: the cardiovascular system and stress management, sleep habits, exercise support, and prostate and sexual health.  In today’s study, I will...
Men’s Health II

Men’s Health II

Prostate Health The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system, and its health is vital to male sexual function. Disorders of the prostate include inflammation, infection, enlargement, and cancer.   AboutThe Prostate gland is the size of a walnut and is...