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The Master Tonic

The Master Tonic

Here’s another great remedy for colds and influenza. This one you can make yourself! It has been used to prevent infections and to help get rid of nasty viruses. It is also great for sinus problems. The Master Tonic The Master Tonic is an amazing whole body...
Help For Colds & Flu

Help For Colds & Flu

  As the cold and flu season is here, we need to be armed with herbs and resources that can help us stay healthy and recover quickly when we get sick.  Here are some products that will to keep you well and recover quickly if you get sick.   LDM-100 or Munity Boost...
Brain Power

Brain Power

For the past couple of years, I have seen an increase in memory impairment, brain fog, insomnia, and other such brain function.  Today, we will explore what can help our brain.   A HEALTHY BRAIN From birth, our brain continues to grow and develop till around 21...
Benefits of Giving Thanks

Benefits of Giving Thanks

This is Thanksgiving week, and there are so many things to be thankful for. In fact, having a Gratitude Attitude is healthy.  Happy people are said to live 10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimists have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimists....
Why We Get Sick

Why We Get Sick

The Cold & Flu season is here. I have heard this fall from clients with allergies, bronchitis, fever, croup, respiratory problems, and more. People are sick and if we’re not careful we’ll be sick as well. Today, let’s consider Why we get sick.  ...
The History of Echinacea

The History of Echinacea

Learn about Echinacea’s rich history! It is nice to have warm weather for a while, but the cold is coming and we must prepare for the cold and flu season.  Echinacea is a wonderful herb that can help us greatly during this time. HistoryEchinacea has been known...
Self vs. Non-Self

Self vs. Non-Self

Let’s take a closer look at autoimmune issues from a functional medicine perspective: As autoimmune conditions have risen, we need to take another look at them. An autoimmune disorder is where the body’s own immune system attacks healthy cells. There are more...


Rebekah, my daughter, is Sick AGAIN! Sickness = InfectionIt seems that nearly everyone is getting sick or fighting some aliment.  Even my daughter, Rebekah, has gotten sick several times this past year, it seems that the root cause is Graphene Oxide toxicity, not a...
Cough and Sore Throat Help

Cough and Sore Throat Help

Here are some recommendations for coughs and sore throats to get us through this difficult winter: For CoughsDrink Cough Tea. The main herb is red clover blossoms which is known for helping coughs of all kinds. This blend of herbs can clear the lungs of congestion,...
Cold and Flu Help

Cold and Flu Help

It’s that time of year to get some cold and flu help, so here are some recommendations: For PreventionTake Fever Formula Tincture or Kid’s Immune Booster Tincture daily. The herbs in these formulas are very good for colds or flus in anyone, but because of...
A Mother of an Herb!

A Mother of an Herb!

This week we are spotlighting Milk Thistle, a “Mother of an Herb” because of its impressive healing properties, strength, and beauty! Milk ThistleIronically, this spikey thistle has many amazing healing properties, including: supporting liver health and...
Super Food for C—d

Super Food for C—d

Building our immunity and strength is vital during this time that we are exposed to numerous toxins and pathogens.    The past few weeks, I have been helping my parents move into a home and taking care of their various needs.  My parents did get the C—d shot in...
Covid Seminar – Be Prepared

Covid Seminar – Be Prepared

Covid Webinar       by Amy Willis, M.H.,CN   December 7th, Tuesday7:00 ~ 9:00 pm                                                                                                     Be Prepared!   Be Ready!  Don’t be a Casualty!  This is a Zoom Class that you can...
Are YOU being Poisoned?

Are YOU being Poisoned?

**NOTICE the similarities:   The symptoms of C—d are: headache, nausea, diarrhea, body aches, fever, loss of smell, difficulty breathing, cough, tiredness .    The symptoms of Arsenic Poisoning are:  vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, darker skin, heart...
Why People Died of Pneumonia From Covid

Why People Died of Pneumonia From Covid

With the first outbreaks of C—d, many are said to have developed Pneumonia, and died.  Yet, Dr. Bryan Ardis, says that this is not the truth.    In his interview by a group of attorneys, Dr. Ardis explains why those who died of C—d were actually...
Strengthen Your Immune System

Strengthen Your Immune System

This is a continuation of the series on our Immune system.  I have talked about what the immune system is and how it works, then I discussed what weakens our immune system, now I will talk about how we can strengthen our immune system. Include reducing your sugar...
7 Things that Weaken our Immune System

7 Things that Weaken our Immune System

Last week, I talked about our Amazing Immune system and how it functions.  Today, I will deal with what will weaken our vital Immune System. Compared to infants and the elderly, people between the ages of 5 and 50 typically have a stronger immune system.   Lack of...
Our Amazing Immune System

Our Amazing Immune System

About our Immune System    Our immune system is quite complex and very amazing.  It is made up of special organs, cells, and chemicals that fight infections.  It has intelligence and we need to think of it as an army that protects us, and treat it accordingly.   The...