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There are different ways that we learn things.  Book study is needful and good, but learning in real life makes a big difference.  Today, I’ll share how I am learning by an accident.


       Saturday, October 10th, I broke my fingers.  Our garage door was difficult to close so I was pulling in the hinge area and it crushed the three fingers of my right hand.  It was excruciatingly painful.  I had to push the garage door open to get my fingers released.  Then I went in the house to sit down and see what damage was done.  

     The pain was at a 10 as I worked on my hand.  I mixed some Bone & Tissue powder with water to make a paste, then I put it on as a poultice, wrapped some gauze on it and an Ace bandage.  Within 5 minutes the pain was down to a 3.  I was impressed.  I had used this method with other client’s injuries, but now I was experiencing it myself   

     It has been one and half weeks and the fingers are nearly back to normal size, as they were swollen, and the pain is little to none (unless pressure is put on them).  It seems that my index finger has fully recovered, but the middle and ring fingers have fractures. As it take six or more weeks for fractures to heal, by using herbs and natural methods, I will see how quickly and well they will heal.  I will keep you updated on this “experiment”. 

We’re Here to Help YOU!
Amy Willis, MH


About the Author

Amy Willis M.H.

Master Herbalist
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle 