My cat has been eating an expensive food that she likes, but she started chewing the fur off of her belly. My first thought was a possible allergy. I went to a pet store and after looking for a high quality cat food, I was frustrated, and asked the clerk, “Which foods are non-GMO?” (Genetically Modified Organisms). It was a VERY small selection. Non-GMO food is only a small part of achieving a healthier diet in both humans and animals. The pet store food selections made me think about how most pets are not getting healthy nutrition.
A while back I watched a 7-part docu-series called “The Truth About Cancer – Pets”. In this series, it stated that 1 in 1.65 dogs will get cancer and 1 in 3 cats? This was startling to me, and these numbers are on the rise. Just 50 years ago, 1 in 100 dogs got cancer! Dogs have the highest rate of cancer of any mammal on the planet, and cats are a close second. This series highlighted over 30 experts, many of them veterinarians.
The following is a summary of the highlights of this series:
- Only 5-10% of cancers are genetically determined. Environmental factors contribute substantially to most cancers.
- A cancer diagnosis brings the same options as humans. Veterinarians could be liable if they do not practice surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer.
- Most cancers are linked to malfunctioning mitochondria in the cells, which provide energy to the cell.
- Dog food companies help support training for seeing-eye dogs, veterinary schools, and other programs, so many veterinarians recommend the product without questioning if it is healthy or cancer-causing.
- Ingredient names are changed to make them sound more palatable (example: hydrolyzed poultry = feathers)
- Animals used for pet food can include food not safe for humans. It can be “4-D” – downed, dead, decaying or diseased before they are processed.
- Some preservatives cause cancer, but manufacturers may use loopholes to avoid listing them on a label.
- A ketogenic diet (high in fat, moderate protein, low carb) is much healthier. This can help starve cancer cells since they thrive on glucose.
- Glyphosate, a cancer-causing herbicide used on many grains, ends up in most pet foods.
- Kibble is made of 50% carbohydrates. Grain free does not mean low carbs. They heat the food to a very high temperature creating Advanced Glycation End Products (AGES), linked to disease.
- Vaccines, especially the rabies vaccine, can cause illness in some pets. One study showed that vaccinated dogs have a lower mortality rate. Many vaccines are not adjusted for the weight of the dog, so a 10-pound dog gets the same dose as a 120 pound dog.
- Titers should be done before vaccinating. You may not “need” the vaccine if the titers are within range.
- Pet vaccines contain the same heavy metals, foreign proteins, and toxins as human vaccines.
- Vaccines are often made up to 10x their potency to increase shelf life.
- Effects that are more adverse tend to occur with combined vaccines and small pets.
- The video recommended giving only rabies, distemper and parvovirus vaccines, and not Lepto, Lyme or flu shots. Often day cares, groomers and boarding facilities require the extra vaccines.
- Common household products can cause toxicity in our pets since they are closer to the ground. These would include air fresheners, detergents, and flame retardants.
- Glyphosate is a class 2 carcinogen. Pets should be fed a non-GMO diet to limit their exposure.
- Heartworm pills can have side effects. The video recommends using diatomaceous earth.
- Cats should not eat dry kibble since they are inefficient at drinking water.
- Dogs can tolerate more fruits and vegetables including raw kale, arugula, broccoli, blueberries, raspberries and brussel sprouts. Veggies should be raw or slightly cooked.
- Adding 20% fresh food including raw organic egg and meat will improve a high quality kibble diet.
- Electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi and smart meters can cause stress and possibly cancer.
- Do not give your pet fluoridated water. It is linked to osteosarcoma in dogs. Use distilled or purified and filtered.
- Many pet shampoos contain carcinogens, as do yard chemicals. Most city parks are loaded with herbicides and insecticides. What cat or dog does not lick their paws and fur? Pet shampoos can be very toxic. Their small bodies absorb the toxins through the skin.
- Many pets have iodine deficiency. A few drops may be added to your dog’s food. Over-dosing may be toxic.
- Omega 3 fatty acids, essential oils, acupuncture, selenium, glandular extracts, and echinacea may be used in treatments, but make sure you are using properly. Some essential oils are toxic to dogs and some to cats, so do your homework.
If you are looking for articles and pet advice, you might like Dr. Karen Becker at Dr. Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian. Dr. Marty Goldstein is another holistic veterinarian. We love our pets and knowing how to feed them and keep their toxic exposure low, we can keep them healthier longer!
We’re Here to Help YOU!
Sue Froschheuser
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