A technique that is becoming more popular today and has been promoted by Dr. Mercola is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). After reviewing the extensive evidence for the safety and efficacy of EFT, US Veterans Administration (VA) has approved EFT for use with their clients suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, pain and other conditions. [2]
Emotional Freedom Technique combines acupressure and psychology to identify and change old patterns, habits, and beliefs. By tapping on certain points and saying positive statements out-loud, this essentially re-wires the brain from thinking negative, unhealthy thoughts to positive, productive thoughts. One of the most difficult parts about making changes is identifying the mindset that keeps you stuck in the same patterns, making the same mistakes. Tapping helps you become aware of this, and also creates an energetic shift in the body, which leads to neuroplasticity- or positive changes in the neurons in the brain.
What Happens in EFT?
In essence, EFT is the release of physical and emotional pain through acknowledging its presence while verbally stating that you unconditionally accept and love yourself even in the midst of this pain and pressure. So the therapy is taking place in the presence of healing LOVE rather than destructive self-judgment.
As you repeat these statements, you are gently tapping on several acupuncture points around your head and chest, with the goal of interrupting the negatively programmed energy flow, thus dismantling the learned fight/flight emotional response, which in turn allows positive emotions to come forth. [3]
What Can EFT be Used For?
EFT can be used for a variety of conditions. Because it helps release negative emotional energy, it is mainly used for depression, PTSD, pain, anxiety, stress, and other long standing issues that may have an emotional or wrong belief origin.
The Tapping Points
Step 1: “Karate chop point” on hand
Step 2: Inside corner of eye
Step 3: Outside corner of eye
Step 4: Under eye
Step 5: Under nose
Step 6: On chin
Step 7: On chest
Step 8: Under the armpit on rib cage
Step 9: On top of head
Next week, we will talk more about how to use this self-help technique, and give some scripts to consider.
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[1] Image from https://www.bodyauratherapies.com/eft-tapping/
[2] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/veterans-administration-approves-eft-emotional-freedom
[3] https://www.cwgministries.org/emotional-freedom-technique-eft-effective-and-biblical