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 Last week, I spoke on the 3 Steps we must take when there is a problem.  These are: 

 Find out the FACTS – discern between what is true and the lies
  Identifying the problems – Decide how these facts affect us.
  Take Action to solve the problems 



Surviving a Crisis

When in a crisis, one must always first consider the 4 essentials to life, and make sure that these are available.  These are:  air, heat (protection from the elements), water, food.  

1.  Heat  –  If you  have a fireplace, that is good.  If not, then you may want to consider getting a wood burning stove.    This one is a good price and useful for camping and great to have on hand for an emergency.  

2.  Water –  Clean water is important.  It would be best to get a distiller that does not use electricity.  This Distiller from Waterwise works on a stove top or on a fire.  Useful for camping and emergencies.

3.  Food – we are used to nice food, but when the rubber hits the road, we can survive on much less.  Here are the basics for survival.

  • 25-50 lb bag of rice
  • 25-50 lb bag of beans 
  • 1-3 lbs of salt (sea salt or Himalayn)

Other things to add to this:

  • Juice+ :  fruit & vegetables juiced & dehydrated
  • Dried fruit
  • Herbal medicine

Fresh Produce is essential for health.  Here are two options:

  • Sprouting seeds (radish, mugbean, alfalfa, etc)
  • Tower Garden  – best choice.  You can grow your own produce in your basement.

4. Barter  – form your own barter group of trusted friends, families, and business acquaintances.  Some things to barter would be dairy, eggs, meat, produce, services, herbal medicine, bread and such.

Be Informed

I hope this is helpful to you and may the Lord guide each of you at this time.



We’re Here to Help YOU!
Amy Willis, MH








About the Author

Amy Willis M.H.

Master Herbalist
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle 