The juniper is an evergreen tree native to Europe, Asia, and the northern parts of North America. Its botanical name is Juniperus communis L. The first recorded mention of Juniper is in an Egyptian papyrus from 1500 B.C. The main part used is the berries, which are purple, blue, violet or blackish brown, and can be harvested in early autumn.
Historically Juniper has been used in many different ways. Its medicinal use has mainly been for the kidneys. By the 17th century, it was a popular diuretic. The English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper wrote about Juniper, “[it] provokes urine exceedingly . . . [it] is so powerful a remedy against dropsy, it cures the disease.” American Indians used Juniper to help in child-birth. The Seminole Indians used it for many illnesses.
Re-known herbalist Dr. John Christopher states that Juniper is a great healer to the kidneys, urinary passages, and bladder. It is a counter-poison and strengthener of the brain, memory, and optic nerve. Juniper may have anti-inflammatory properties, which could be helpful in treating arthritis. In Germany, herbal remedies are more mainstream, and physicians prescribe juniper preparations for arthritis and gout.
Therapeutic ActionDiuretic, diaphoretic, aromatic, stimulant, carminative, anodyne, emmenagogue, stomachic, anti-septic
Medicinal Usesrenal dropsy, vesical catarrh, sciatica, retention of urine, swollen juoints, rheumatic pains, lumbago, chest problems, gravel, bladder discharges, retention or uric acid, kidney problems, ague, poisoning, leprosy, gonorrhea, scurvy, immunizations.
Cautions: Juniper is mostly consumed as a tea, and it is best to taken in combination with other herbs to balance its properties. High doses can cause kidney irritation.
At Herbs4You we use Juniper in several of our products including Detox Tea and our Kidney Bladder Formula, we also have it available in bulk.
At Herbs4You we use Juniper in several of our products including Detox Tea and our Kidney Bladder Formula, we also have it available in bulk.
At Herbs4You we use Juniper in several of our products including Detox Tea and our Kidney Bladder Formula, we also have it available in bulk.
We’re here to help you!
Amy Willis, Your Local Herbalist
Written on October 3, 2016
Resources: The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman p. 225-227School of Natural Healing Herbal Reference Guide by Dr. John R. Christopher , pp. 250-251Article at