3915 S Hawthorne Ave
This beautiful Victorian House will become Herbs4You new location.
Praise the Lord!
Through many struggles and victories, The Lord has allowed me to purchase this commercial property for setting up a Holistic Health Center. There were times when it did not seem like we would be able to get this property, but by prayer and help from many, God open the right doors to make this happen. Thank you to all who helped, and Praise be to the Lord God for this blessing!
Preparation & Plans
Right now, we are renovating the building to make it suitable for what we need. We are putting up a wall, several doors, fixing problem areas, painting and such like. When finished, there will be a reception & product room, waiting room, BEMER room, and 3 offices.
Herbs4You will be moving on April 2, and be closed the following week (April 3-10), so that we can set up. Then open on April 11th. Eventually, we hope to grow and become a Health Center where we will have several different practitioners and health modalities available for our customers. Once we are running smoothly, we hope to have a Grand Opening.
P.S. We now will have a good sized parking lot!!!
We’re Here to Help YOU!
Amy Willis M.H., CN
About the Author
Amy Willis M.H.