At Herbs4You, we promote a holistic approach to wellness. This includes biochemical, emotional, and structural components. Let’s explore each one: BiochemicalBiochemical factors include nutrition and everything we consume – food, drugs, herbs, vitamins, water,...
What causes our Actions? What causes our Feelings?What causes us to BE the person we are? Since the scientific breakthrough of learning that the brain has neuroplasticity, we are learning how much our thoughts are the ROOT of all of the above and more. In the video...
Here are three facts you may not know about your structural health: At Herbs4You, we offer NCR (Neuro-Cranial Restructuring) with Dr. Ben Eversage because we know that true health and vitality consists of biochemical, emotional, and structural health. Here are some...
Learn how BrainTap can help with weight loss. Blocks to Weight LossThere is a lot that goes into losing weight. It is more than eating healthy and exercising. There is a mental and emotional component that impacts us. Even if we really want to lose weight, we may be...
We are excited to introduce the BrainTap system for mind and body wellness! What Is BrainTapping?The BrainTap system was developed by Dr. Patrick Porter, a leader in the field of neuroscience and mindfulness. It involves audio and visual stimulation using a special...