Acid reflux is very common and affects around 50% of Americans. The main symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, which at times can be severe enough to feel like an heart attack. Acid reflux is thought to be caused by excessive amounts of acid, and anti-acids are usually prescribed, yet this actually compounds the problem.
The CauseAfter food passes through the esophagus to the stomach, a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) closes, preventing food or acid to move back up. Acid reflux occurs when the LES relaxes, allowing acid from the stomach to flow backward into the esophagus. It is important to understand that acid reflux is not caused by excessive acid production in the stomach, but a symptom related to Hiatal hernia and/or Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) infection. Hiatal hernia can be adjusted by a skilled chiropractor. Many who have a hiatal hernia also have H. pylori, which cause a chronic low-level inflammation of the stomach. In the early 1980’s, Dr. Barry Marshall speculated that H.pylori is a major factor in acid reflux.
Drugs can also cause heartburn. Common ones include antidepressants, osteoporosis drugs, antibiotics, blood pressure medication, nitroglycerin, pain relievers. Drugs are never safe. As much as possible, it is best to use herbs and natural remedies that produce health.
Drugs Can Cause ProblemsProton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are commonly prescribed for acid reflux/heartburn. These effectively block acid production in the stomach. This is extremely detrimental. There are over 16,000 articles in medical literature showing that suppressing stomach acid does not address the problem, and when the amount of acid in the stomach is suppressed, the body’s ability to kill the H. bacteria is decreased. This can make the condition worse. Furthermore, reducing stomach acid diminishes the primary defense mechanism for food-borne infections, which will increase the risk of food poisoning. PPI drugs also cause serious side effects, such as, pneumonia, bone loss, hip fractures, and infection.
Health Producing HelpThere are several things that can help heal the body, primarily the stomach and intestinal tract. The first thing is to clean up the diet; get rid of the junk food and eat Health producing foods. There are 3 things you must do:
Kill the pathogens. Use the Herbs4You Parasite Tincture or our Yeast Mix
Kill the pathogens. Use the Herbs4You Parasite Tincture or our Yeast Mix
Heal the Gut. One of the best gut healers is Slippery Elm: It Coats and soothes from the mouth all through the whole intestinal tract, and contains antioxidants that can help address inflammatory bowel conditions. Slippery Elm stimulates nerve endings in the gastrointestinal tract, which helps increase mucus secretion, which protects against ulcers and excess acidity. Take 1 teaspoon in water 3 x a day.
Feed the good Microbes. Eat fermented foods, such as veggies, yogurt, kefir, or chutneys, or use a good probiotic. Prebiotics are also very helpful as they feed the good microbes. Juice+ is a great prebiotic.
Other Helps
- Baking Soda: ½ – 1 tsp. of baking soda in 8 oz. of water can ease the burn of acid reflux. Do not do this on a regular basis, but only in an emergency when you are in a lot of pain.
- Raw apple cider vinegar and honey: 1 tablespoon of each mixed in water taken 3 times a day has helped many.
I trust this has been a help to you. Please contact us if you have any other questions or health concerns.
We’re here to help YOU!Amy Willis, MHYour Local Herbalist