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I trust each of you had a Merry Christmas.  

Now a New Year is starting.  This can be a time of new beginnings.  Why not make your health a priority this year and set some goals?   At Herbs4You, we are here to help you with your health goals.  Here are a few  ideas:

  • Do a Shred 10 this year.
  • Exercise 3 times a week
  • Start a sport you’ve wanted to try
  • Eat Fresh fruit for breakfast
  • Drink half your body weight in ounces
  • Eat a salad for lunch
  • Quit drinking soda
  • Take a hot bath once a week
  • Take a brisk walk every morning or evening
  • Change all toxic cleaners for Norwex cleaning products (ask for more detail)
  • Change toxic cosmetics for healthy high quality make-up
    Stop drinking cow milk
  • Do a Cleanse -ask for more detail- we can tailor make one for you.
  • Reduce EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation

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Happy New Year!

For Your Health,
Amy Willis ~ Your Local Herbalist