Comfrey is a perennial herb that originated in Asia and Europe. It delves deeply into the sub-soil and is rich in minerals. It has a long record of use, dating back to old herbal texts, “Materia Medica” of 50 AD.
Comfrey has been esteemed as a blood, bone and flesh builder. Allantoin is what makes comfrey unique. Allantoin promotes rapid cell growth and is produced in the allantois gland of the umbilical cord, and is also in mother’s milk. Allantoin is a leucocytosis promoter (increases white blood cells), that helps to establish immunity from infections.
Historically, comfrey has been used for indigestion, stomach and bowel problems, excessive menstrual flow, hoarseness, periodontal diseases, bleeding gums, thryoid disorders, diarrhea, hernia, glandular fevers, coughs, lung conditions, hemorrhaging, cancer, catarrh, anemia, lupus, inflammation of joints.
Comfrey was one of the most popular and widely used herbs of the last two centuries; people had faith in it and experienced miraculous healing. It has been said,
“A leaf a day keeps illness away!”
Comfrey is considered a food and to get its full benefit, it must be taken regularly. It contains the same structural material of which the human body is built, plus the catalysts that enable the metabolism to operate more efficiently.
Secondly, its two unique elements, vitamin B12 and allantoin act directly on the blood stream – B12 to create red corpuscles and allantoin to regulate cell formation and increase white corpuscles.
Once the blood is affected by eating comfrey, the whole body benefits, even to the tiniest hair, the most remote cell, the tips of the nails, the cells of the brain, the marrow of the bones. According to Hughes, every part of the body functions better as a result of regular consumption of comfrey, and the body as a whole, is more resistant to the attacks of disease and aging.
FDA Warning
In the 1980’s, comfrey was labeled as a poison and the public was warned that it could cause liver damage. A thorough study on the issue involved was made, and research regarding comfrey as being a deadly poison was requested, to which over 350 pages on pyrolizdine alkaloids was given. There was very little given that was related to comfrey, but mainly other species of plants that contained other alkaloids. According to many knowledgeable herbalists, the claim that comfrey is dangerous is not accepted, since there is no accurate research on the matter, but instead many have benefitted by using comfrey.
~ If you are interested in the details of the studies made regarding comfrey, ask Amy to send you more information ~
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Amy Willis, MH
About the Author
Amy Willis M.H.