Top Trends
– A rise in holistic healthcare options that incorporate diet, lifestyle, mindset, and environmental factors.
– A focus on mental health.
– “Primal” movement therapies and exercises that use natural body movements, rather than using complicated gym equipment.
– Being out in nature, sun gazing, and grounding have become simple yet popular methods of improving mind, body, and spirit.
– Conscious eating, which is listening to your body’s needs and being mindful of what you put into your body and how it affects you, rather than following a restrictive diet.
With so many changes happening in health care, we want to teach you some key words you may have heard, but may not be familiar with:
Integrative – An understanding of the relationship between the mind and body.
Holistic – Addressing all aspects of a person including physical health, mental health, diet, and lifestyle factors.
Functional – Looks closely at the functioning of various systems in the body, how they work together, and seeks to correct imbalances.
Naturopathic – New evidenced-based products and services replace many outdated, invasive procedures and harmful pharmaceuticals.
Apothecary – A person who dispenses medicines or herbal compounds.
At Herbs4You we have been providing integrative, holistic, and functional medicine for many years. We also try to keep up with evidenced-based products and services in a naturopathic way that would help meet the needs of our clients best. Herbs4You is also the only true apothecary shop in Sioux Falls where we make our own herbal formulas. If you have any questions, please call the office or email us!
We’re here to help YOU!
Amy Willis MH, CTN
About the Author
Amy Willis M.H., CTN