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Here are some tips for setting goals for the new year:

A Fresh Start
New Years is a great time to set goals because we tend to feel more motivated to make changes during this time of new beginnings. Reflect on last year and identify what isn’t working or what needs to be addressed so you can achieve better health and vitality.

Most of us will fail our New Year’s resolutions, perhaps because they are not SMART. SMART stands for:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T – Time-bound

Specific – If your goal is to lose weight, how many pounds and in how many weeks? How many squats will you do? How many times per week? Getting specific helps us stay accountable.

Measurable – Are you able to see how much progress you’re making? How will you be able to tell? Making goals measurable helps us to stay motivated because we can see our hard work paying off or we can re-assess our goals if we aren’t. 

Attainable – Are your goals realistic? Sometimes our goals are too ambitious, and we fall short because we feel overwhelmed. You may need to reach for small steps rather than focusing on the end goal. What is attainable to some may not be for others.

Relevant – This may be the most important aspect of setting SMART goals because if our goals are not aligned with our deeper held values and beliefs, they will likely not be sustainable. This may require some inner work on what you value and why you are setting this goal.

Time-bound – Set an end-date on when you expect to accomplish this goal. Even if you don’t fully accomplish your goal by this date, having a time frame helps you stay motivated. 

You may need to practice setting SMART goals so they meet all of the criteria. For example:

  1. Eat only 1 dessert a day. 
  2. Eat only 1 dessert (more than 10g of sugar) a day for the year. 
  3. Eat 20g or less of sugar a day for the year.


    Number 1 is not time-bound or specific regarding what is considered a dessert.

    Number 2 is not attainable because we may have a few small desserts, like chocolate candies.

    Number 3 is specific, time-bound, attainable, and measurable because it allows us to fully understand if we have met or not met our goal on a daily basis until the end of that goal. Keep in mind the reason why you set this goal to make sure it is relevant to you. 

At Herbs4You we can help you with your physical, mental, and emotional health goals because we provide you with a holistic approach to wellness. We teach you about many different options to address your health concerns. You can schedule a consultation to create your own SMART goals with an action plan on how to reach them! Call or email us to learn more. 
[email protected]

We’re here to help YOU!
Amy Willis MH, CTN


About the Author

Amy Willis M.H., CTN

Master Herbalist, Board Certified Naturopath
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing, and Board Certified Naturopath from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle testing.