Herbs historically used for Women’s Health
Throughout the centuries, there have been many different herbs that women have used to help their health. Today, we’ll take a look at some of these.
Red Raspberry Leaves – is mainly known for its benefits during pregnancy, but this valuable herb has much more to offer us. It is full of vitamins and minerals, and is great for cleansing the alimentary tract. Red Raspberry also helps balance hormones and is beneficial to both men and women. It is especially helpful for youth going through puberty. For pregnancy, Red Raspberry is known to strengthens the wall of the uterus and the entire female reproductive system. It contains astringent compounds that relieve pain and shrink inflamed tissues. It can be taken as a drink regularly during pregnancy, and is unequal to any other in alleviating morning sickness and nausea, quieting premature pains, and helping produce a safe, speedy, and easy delivery. One may drink freely of the tea.
Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) – This herb has been used for over 2000 years for its beneficial effect on the female glandular system. The berries are now widely used to restore balance and function to the female reproductive system, by stimulating the natural production of progesterone. Chaste Tree Berry works by stimulating and normalizing the pituitary gland, called the “master gland”, which regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body. The pituitary gland allows the sending of chemical signals to the ovaries, and as such, tells them how much hormones to make. Since Chaste Tree Berry does not contain any hormones, it has a more supportive and non-direct action on the body.
Licorice Root – has many different uses, and is used in many women formulas. It has shown distinct anti-fatigue and anti-stress activity, and it stimulates and builds the adrenal glands, which help the body cope with stress. Licorice root also has estrogenic effects, and has been used for menopause, and is helpful in easing certain PMS symptoms. It is best used in combination with other herbs.
Black Cohosh – This herb was used by Indian women for gynecological problems and childbirth. In the Eclectic Medical Text, Black Cohosh is said to be of greatest utility for dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps), and is surpassed by no other drug. We now know that Black Cohosh has estrogenic effects which may explain its traditional use for menstrual complaints. This also lends it to be useful for menopausal discomfort. In Germany, where herbal healing is more mainstream than the United States, Black Cohosh is a key ingredient in three drugs prescribed for discomforts of menopause.
Black Haw – This is another herb that we learned about from Indian women. It was used for menstrual cramps, childbirth recovery, and menopausal discomforts, and especially to prevent miscarriage. A report published in the British Journal Nature shows that Black Haw contains a uterine relaxant (scopoletin), this supports its value in helping menstrual cramps.
I trust this has been helpful. If you have any concerns or would like to set an appointment, please contact us.
We’re here to help YOU!
Amy Willis MH, CTN
About the Author
Amy Willis M.H., CTN