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Gifts of Health

Gifts of Health

This holiday season we are helping you give the gift of health by discounting our premade, ready to give, Gift Boxes!  Beauty BoxOur Zoe Beauty line of all natural botanical skin care products is a great gift for those interested in natural beauty. Included is our...
Brain Power

Brain Power

For the past couple of years, I have seen an increase in memory impairment, brain fog, insomnia, and other such brain function.  Today, we will explore what can help our brain.   A HEALTHY BRAIN From birth, our brain continues to grow and develop till around 21...
Benefits of Giving Thanks

Benefits of Giving Thanks

This is Thanksgiving week, and there are so many things to be thankful for. In fact, having a Gratitude Attitude is healthy.  Happy people are said to live 10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimists have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimists....
Why We Get Sick

Why We Get Sick

The Cold & Flu season is here. I have heard this fall from clients with allergies, bronchitis, fever, croup, respiratory problems, and more. People are sick and if we’re not careful we’ll be sick as well. Today, let’s consider Why we get sick.  ...
My Endometriosis Story

My Endometriosis Story

There is hope for endometriosis. Endometriosis is a very delipidating disease that many women suffer from, including myself. In my early 20’s, I had endometriosis, so I know firsthand how trying this condition really is. Fortunately, and by God’s grace, I was able to...
The Fountain of Life

The Fountain of Life

Make sure your water is safe and pure. Water plays an important role in our health and healing. We may take vitamins and herbs, eat super-foods, and stay on an awesome healthy diet, BUT if our water supply is bad, our health will suffer dire consequences. The...
Is It Possible?

Is It Possible?

Do you want to grow your own food and medicine all year long? Here’s how:  Happy Autumn! Despite the colder temperatures, you can still grow your own food and medicine with the Tower Garden. The Tower Garden is a hydroponic growing system you can use indoors or...
We Need All 3

We Need All 3

At Herbs4You, we promote a holistic approach to wellness. This includes biochemical, emotional, and structural components. Let’s explore each one: BiochemicalBiochemical factors include nutrition and everything we consume –  food, drugs, herbs, vitamins, water,...
A Success Story

A Success Story

We are looking forward to welcoming Dr. Eversage next month for NCR!    Here is a message from Dr. Eversage:I’m going to tell you a true story with a patient that just happened yesterday. It will illustrate a lot of principles that I tell my patients all the...
This is Essential

This is Essential

Many people regard essential oils as an ‘essential’ part of their wellness routine. Here’s why!   An essential oil is a volatile material derived from a plant and bears the aroma or flavor of that plant. Chemically, an essential oil is a complex...
Earthing for Health

Earthing for Health

Earthing also known as grounding is becoming more popular. It is Free “therapy” that is completely natural with no risk! What is Earthing, is it the same as Grounding?The terms Earthing and grounding are similar. Earthing is the physical aspect of...
2 Components to Health

2 Components to Health

What is “Health” and how can it be acquired? We see young children running around full of vitality, and say, “Wish I had that kind of energy”. We don’t because our body is not functioning as well as it should and could. Health is not just...
The Life of the Flesh

The Life of the Flesh

    “The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood . . .”     Leviticus 17:11 In order to sustain energy flowing throughout the body creating life, movement, and expression, the body has to create its own energy. This is done in the mitochondria of the cells. We...
Natural Insect Control

Natural Insect Control

Although summer is great and we get to be outside a lot, insects can really spoil the fun.  Below are some natural insect repellants that have proven to be effective. Natural Mosquito RepellantsLemon Eucalyptus – A 2014 PubMed study showed that a mixture of 32...
Drink to Your Health!

Drink to Your Health!

Kombucha is an incredible health drink.   Kombucha is a fermented beverage originating in the Far East around 2,000 years ago, and known to the Chinese as the “Immortal Health Elixir”.  It is made with black tea and sugar, this solution is then fermented by what is...
Healthy Fun in the Sun

Healthy Fun in the Sun

Now that Summer is here, we can enjoy outdoor Fun in the Sun.   There is a lot of anti-sun information out there and how it can cause skin cancer, yet truthfully, there are benefits to proper sun exposure.Sun MythsMany “medical experts”  warn that if we...
Do You Know?

Do You Know?

Here are three facts you may not know about your structural health: At Herbs4You, we offer NCR (Neuro-Cranial Restructuring) with Dr. Ben Eversage because we know that true health and vitality consists of biochemical, emotional, and structural health. Here are some...
NEW BrainTapping Now Available!

NEW BrainTapping Now Available!

We are excited to introduce the BrainTap system for mind and body wellness! What Is BrainTapping?The BrainTap system was developed by Dr. Patrick Porter, a leader in the field of neuroscience and mindfulness. It involves audio and visual stimulation using a special...
Functional Liver Health

Functional Liver Health

Spring is on the way, which means it’s time for a Spring Cleaning! Functional MedicineFunctional medicine differs from traditional medicine in that it looks closely at the functioning of various organs and bodily systems, and how they impact each other. The...
Heart Health

Heart Health

It’s a great time of year to think about your heart health so let’s look at some common causes of heart problems: CausesThere are different views of why and how heart problems develop. Here are the main causes for heart issues: Improper diet and...