NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR) is considered the most advanced structural correction in the world. Here is an article by Dr. Ben Eversage about NCR. The dates he will be here are: October 29, 30 and November 1,2. What is NeuroCranial Restructuring (NCR)?The...
This month, I am addressing the subject of the 3 most dangerous types of drugs. Today, I will be speaking on alternative methods to help stomach acid blocking PPIs. Stomach Acid Blocking PPIsA brief Review: PPIs are prescribed mainly when the stomach acid...
This month, I am addressing the subject of the 3 most dangerous types of drugs. Today, I will be speaking on alternative methods to help deal with antidepressant drugs. SSIR AntidepressantsA brief review from September 5 newsletter is: Common side effects of...
Last week, I spoke on the 3 most dangerous types of drugs. Today and the next two weeks, I will be addressing alternative methods to help deal with the core issues instead of using these dangerous drugs. NSAID Pain Killer DrugsA brief review of last week is...
Recently, Dr. Mercola put out a newsletter on the most dangerous types of drugs. Today, I will discuss why these drugs are so damaging to one’s health and should be avoided. Next week, I will discuss what alternatives there are that can help alleviate the...