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There have been a lot of people getting sick lately.  I have seen several in the past couple weeks.  Here I will put forth some interesting thoughts on the subject.

  1. Many of the symptoms have  been stomach or abdominal pain, muscle pain, brain fog, some sore throat, or breathing problems. 
  2. Muscle-testing shows that there is little to no virus, bacteria, parasites, yeast or toxins.  Whatever is causing the problem is very hidden.
  3. I am also muscle-testing for spike proteins, graph-ne oxide, and blood clots.  These are showing to be affecting people.  There is NO safety limit of these.  Any level can be dangerous.

Graph-ne O— Poisoning* dashes used to protect from detection and elimination
The symptoms of graph— o—- poisoning are shortness of breath, light-headedness, and loss of feeling in the extremities [arms and legs]. Graph— ox—  results in anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer, due to the proliferation of spike proteins and prions with each jab.[1]  Others forms of poisoning can include nausea, muscle pain, headaches, loss of sense of smell and taste.

Some state that Graph— O—- Poisoning IS the C—d Disease.  The Vaxxines are said to contain 99% Graph— o—-.  It is also activated by 5G signals.  It is imperative that everyone who has gotten the JAB detox themselves from Graphene oxide.

Some Solutions

Remove the Graph— O—-  Choose one of the following or do a combination.  I take Vacuum Cleanse once a week, and one of the others every day.

  1. Take Vacuum Cleanse  –  this absorbs and eliminates over 2000 drug residues and is the best that I know of in removing GO.  Contains charcoal and bentonite clay.
  2. Take Charcoal  –  this also absorbs GO.
  3. Take Selenium  –  this removes the GO
Remove Spike Proteins
  1. Take the Spike Protein Bath once a month:  2 C Epson Salt, 1 handful of Alfalfa cubes, 2 Tbl of Dawn dishsoap.  Soak for 20+ minutes in very hot water.
  2.  Follow the Weekly Rotation program.  This program kills parasites, viruses, bacteria, and removes spike protein.
Heal Blood Clots  – Many are muscle-testing that they have blood clots, even those who have NOT gotten the Jab
  1. Take cayenne pepper as it helps blood clots
  2. Take the Blood Cleansing formula
  3. Take extra calcium to strengthen blood vessels

Weekly Rotation Program – rotate the following formulas each week

  • Parasite formula
  • Fever formula
  • Special Force
  • Blood Cleansing formula

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

We’re Here to Help YOU!
Amy Willis M.H., CN


About the Author

Amy Willis M.H.

Master Herbalist
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle 