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We are back on the last series of the Triad of Health. This approach deals with the whole person, not just one aspect. Today, we will look at the mental and emotional component of health.

The Importance 
Emotions can have as much of an impact on our wellbeing as a physical challenge or toxin.   In fact, some doctors claim that 80-90% of those hospitalized are suffering from health challenges that stem from emotional problems.  Addressing emotions is critical in achieving health and vitality.  

Emotions actually have a purpose: it is to inform the body how to respond to a stimulus. If the stimulus is a threat, then we hold on to that information to protect self from this threat in the future. When these emotions are held within, they create the same sensations and chemical reactions, such as increased heart rate and blood pressure, as if the stimulus is a reality.  This keeps the body in fight or flight mode even when there is no threat. 


The Mental and Emotional Connection
What we think influences how we feel.  If we grasp this fact, we will be better equipped to handle our emotions.  Leslie Vernick is a popular speaker, author, and licensed clinical social worker with over 35 years of experience helping individuals, couples, and families heal, rebuild, or grow their relationships.  She is the author of several books and she speaks about how our thoughts influences our emotions, and how to live from our core values instead of emotional reactions.   It is our mind and thoughts that influence how we feel – this is the mental emotional connection.  It is said that all decisions or actions that we make are emotion based.

Thoughts ——->Emotions——->Actions

Here are two videos by Leslie Vernick that can be helpful:

Creating A Self That You Can Be Proud Of

How Your Thoughts Impact Your Emotions

Our Beliefs
Another area that influences our thoughts and our emotions are, our beliefs. Therefore, it is essential that we consider what do we really believe.  Some of our beliefs were formed when we were young, other beliefs are formed mainly through traumatic experiences.  Here are some examples: 

Negative beliefs:    “I can’t do anything right!”,  “I’m stupid”,  “I don’t have any friends.” , “No body likes me.”,  “I’m ugly!”, “I can’t . . .”  etc.

Positive beliefs:  “God loves and cares for me.”,   “I am capable of …. “,  “I am smart”, “I am a wonderful creation made by God”,  “I am a child of God”, “I am attractive.”  etc   

As you can tell, just by reading these, that the negative beliefs will bring negative results, and the positive beliefs will bring positive results.  Ford said,

“Whether you believe you can or if you believe you can’t, you are right!”

Helpful Exercise:  Write down 10 of your negative limited beliefs on one side of a paper.  Then write on the other side the opposite positive belief.  Then record the positive statements on your phone.  Listen to this twice a day, and it will change your life.


HELP:  Emotional Stress Release

 Emotional Stress Release (ESR) is a technique in muscle testing which finds and releases emotions that are stored in our body.  I have done this technique on clients for nearly 10 years and have seen good results, some of these are: help with heart and chest pain, resolving reoccurring Nightmares from a traumatic experience, trauma from molestation, grief from loss of a loved one, childhood problems, rejection issues, and much more.  Whenever there is an emotional matrix or unresolved problem, ESR can help.

For more help see:  Healthy Alternatives to Antidepressants

P.S.  I hope the information here is helpful to you.  This is not all bookwork and study, it is real life experiences that I have gone through myself that caused me to search for help.  God is good and He does lead us to get the true healing that we need.  

We’re here to help YOU!

Amy Willis MH, CTN 

About the Author

Amy Willis M.H., CTN

Master Herbalist, Board Certified Naturopath
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing, and Board Certified Naturopath from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle testing.