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Praise the Lord for the victory in the election! This week, I will take a break from the series on the Triad of Health, and share some information about how close we were to the complete annihilation of our civil liberties, and Freedom itself!


Stop World Control
According to the organization, Stop World Control, the original plan with the pandemic was to have at least 10 years of lockdowns, due to ongoing virus variants. During these years all dissenting and unvaccinated people would be rounded up in FEMA camps. Why did that not happen? What stopped it? The film below will blow your mind and give powerful hope for the future!

Some of what is shown in the film is:

  • Concentration Camps – There are around 800 camps in the U.S. During Covid, some people were taken to camps against their will.
  • Quarantine & Isolation – this happened
  • Destruction of ALL Small Businesses – this was the plan
  • Laws and Regulations which allow our Civil Rights to be violated.
  • Population Control – Bill Gates saying on a Ted show that vaccination can decrease population
  • Lock Step document – the plan to change Free society into a Totalitarian system*
  • WarpSpeed stopped the FEMA camps and total control

*Totalitarian – a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.

Back in 2020
I still remember back in 2020, the above was a REAL threat. Some of us put together a group called UnMask the Truth of SD and stood up against the tyranny of government and organizations. Now, a lot of the truth about what happen has come out, and people are seeing how bad it really was.

I encourage you to watch this film as it exposes the whole plan and WHY it was defeated.

Praise the Lord for God’s mercy and grace, for even now we could have been shut down and possibly locked up, if it wasn’t for what Trump did to stop the take over of our country.

How Trump Saved Humanity From Concentration Camps – Must See Film!

We’re here to help YOU!

Amy Willis MH, CTN 

About the Author

Amy Willis M.H., CTN

Master Herbalist, Board Certified Naturopath
Amy is the Owner and Founder of Herbs4You. She is a Master Herbalist from the School of Natural Healing, and Board Certified Naturopath from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. Amy has 30 years experience with herbs and 15 years experience muscle testing.