Here’s another great remedy for colds and influenza. This one you can make yourself! It has been used to prevent infections and to help get rid of nasty viruses. It is also great for sinus problems.
The Master Tonic
The Master Tonic is an amazing whole body immune boosting super drink, also known as Fire Cider. It is a folk remedy from ages ago. Some believe it originated as far back as medieval Europe, when people suffered from various epidemics and diseases. According to some accounts, it is a rendition of the 7 Thieves formula. In the past 10 or so years, it has had a great come back!
The Master Tonic is known to help with many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal infections. It also has been used for overall disease prevention as well.
The Master Tonic ingredients are known to help blood circulation and purification, strengthen immune function, prevent infection, relieve nausea and headache, improve digestion, and strengthen the heart. There are no known harmful side effects either. But beware, it has a “hot” spicy punch that can curl your toes!!
Fire Cider is rather popular and is similar to the Master Tonic, but it usually has other ingredients such as lemon, turmeric, and honey to soften the strong hot taste. The formula below is the original Master Tonic in all it’s potency.
Take equal parts of the following:
- Garlic
- Onion
- Horseradish
- Ginger
- ¼ to ½ a part of hot red pepper (according to what you can handle).
- Raw apple cider vinegar
- Put all the herbs in a power blender, add enough raw apple cider vinegar to blend. Blend up everything until it looks like very soupy applesauce.
- Place in large glass container, such as a mason jar, 1 quart, ½ gallon, or one gallon, depending on how much you make.
- Let sit for 2-4 weeks. Shake or stir it up once daily.
- After 2-4 weeks, strain through a cotton cloth and bottle. Discard pulp.
You may store the Master Tonic in a cold dry place. It should keep 2-3 years.
Dosage: Take 1 Tbsp. daily or as needed. If sick with a cold or flu, you can take it every hour. It’s awful enough to scare just about any bug away!!
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About the Author
Amy Willis M.H., CTN