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Brain Injury Awareness II

Brain Injury Awareness II

This study on Traumatic Brain Injury has been very insightful and thought provoking. Maybe some of why we do what we do has a deeper hidden reason. Last week, we looked at traumatic brain injury which is due to an external mechanical force. Today we will look at other...
Brain Injury Awareness

Brain Injury Awareness

Since March is Brain Injury Awareness month, I will take a break from the series on Cancer and focus on this important topic. Brain function is vitally important for our health, daily life, and fulfillment. When our brain is not functioning well, our life can be...
Men’s Health IV

Men’s Health IV

As mentioned in Men’s Health I, there are 4 main areas of wellness that should be considered with men, these are: the cardiovascular system and stress management, sleep habits, exercise support, and prostate and sexual health.  In today’s study, I will...
Men’s Health III

Men’s Health III

As mentioned in Men’s Health I, there are 4 main areas of wellness that should be considered with men, these are: the cardiovascular system and stress management, sleep habits, exercise support, and prostate and sexual health.  In today’s study, I will...
We Need All 3

We Need All 3

At Herbs4You, we promote a holistic approach to wellness. This includes biochemical, emotional, and structural components. Let’s explore each one: BiochemicalBiochemical factors include nutrition and everything we consume –  food, drugs, herbs, vitamins, water,...
A Success Story

A Success Story

We are looking forward to welcoming Dr. Eversage next month for NCR!    Here is a message from Dr. Eversage:I’m going to tell you a true story with a patient that just happened yesterday. It will illustrate a lot of principles that I tell my patients all the...
Self vs. Non-Self

Self vs. Non-Self

Let’s take a closer look at autoimmune issues from a functional medicine perspective: As autoimmune conditions have risen, we need to take another look at them. An autoimmune disorder is where the body’s own immune system attacks healthy cells. There are more...
Do You Know?

Do You Know?

Here are three facts you may not know about your structural health: At Herbs4You, we offer NCR (Neuro-Cranial Restructuring) with Dr. Ben Eversage because we know that true health and vitality consists of biochemical, emotional, and structural health. Here are some...
NEW BrainTapping Now Available!

NEW BrainTapping Now Available!

We are excited to introduce the BrainTap system for mind and body wellness! What Is BrainTapping?The BrainTap system was developed by Dr. Patrick Porter, a leader in the field of neuroscience and mindfulness. It involves audio and visual stimulation using a special...
2023 Health Trends

2023 Health Trends

Let’s look at the top health and wellness trends predicted for 2023: Top Trends – A rise in holistic healthcare options that incorporate diet, lifestyle, mindset, and environmental factors. – A focus on mental health. – “Primal”...
Trifecta: The 3 Dimensions to Health

Trifecta: The 3 Dimensions to Health

At Herbs4You, we promote a holistic approach to wellness. This includes The Trifecta of Health: biochemical, emotional, and structural components. BiochemicalBiochemical factors include nutrition and everything we consume –  food, drugs, herbs, vitamins, water,...