MORE information is coming out about the danger of the Covid shot, as well as other means by which we are being poisoned.
Graphene Confirmed in Dental Anesthetic
Dr Lundstrom, a family dentist, contacted Darkfield Microscopy about dental anesthetics, was able to get analysis done at the University of Boulder Colorado – and they confirmed Graphene. Read more
Nano Technology also called Robots in Blood of both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated
Dr. Ana maria Mihalcea reveals how detailed videos of micro and nano robots in C19 unvaccinated blood from shedding. These videos also show how these robots from the nano scale build the hydrogel filaments and constructions.
– Watch Video and read more
Chemtrails and Geoengineering
Tennessee lawmakers have passed a bill banning the release of airborne chemicals. The bill prohibits technologies that could modify the atmosphere.
South Dakota already has a ban SB-215 on chemtrails, but there are still chemtrails in the skies. Looks like it may be necessary to acquire proof in order to get it stopped. If you are interested in working together on this please either contact myself or Sara French (605-988-7602). Watch Video
Many of you may have heard of my arrest for allegedly being at Wahington DC on January 6, 2021. It is shocking to see how deliberate Lies are purposely propagated by those in authority with the intent to harass, intimidate, and terrorize the American people. Yet, Truth will triumph in the end.
Tucker Carlson Tells the Truth about January 6:
Tucker: This video tells a different story of Jan 6
For more information about my case, please see: Fighting for J6 Justice
We’re here to help YOU!
Amy Willis MH, CTN
About the Author
Amy Willis M.H., CTN